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23 Aug 2024

Boots UK's Omni-Media Director on Understanding Gen Alpha As Customers

Boots UK's Omni-Media Director on Understanding Gen Alpha As Customers

Meet Oliver, a seasoned media professional with over 20 years of experience at global brands like Sainsbury’s, Nestlé, and Boots UK, as he shares insights on Gen Alpha, and how brands can blend online convenience with immersive in-store experiences to create personalised, authentic interactions that resonate with this emerging generation.


Oliver's career journey and advice

Tell us about your career so far and the essential turning points that got you where you are today.

With over 20 years of experience in the media industry, I’ve had the opportunity to work across diverse sectors including FMCG, retail, and eCommerce on a global scale. My journey has taken me through some of the world’s leading companies such as Sainsbury’s, Nestlé, Diageo,, ECCO, and now Boots.

My career has been marked by several pivotal moments. I discovered my passion for media at Sainsbury’s when I was just 24, and later honed my expertise in brand marketing at Nestlé and Diageo, learning how powerful brand strategies can drive growth. A key turning point was relocating from the UK to Amsterdam to join This move not only changed my role but also transformed my life, opening up a world of new opportunities and perspectives. Throughout, the most rewarding aspect has been the chance to collaborate with and learn from an incredible array of talented individuals.

Currently, as the Omni-Media Director at Boots UK, I am responsible for leading both the consumer media agenda and the retail media organization, Boots Media Group. This role has been incredibly fulfilling, as it allows me to craft and implement a consumer-centric, omnichannel media strategy that drives tangible results.

Looking back at your career, what advice would you give your 20-year-old self?

  • Embrace change and adaptability: The media and retail landscapes are constantly evolving; those who succeed are the ones who can pivot and adapt to new trends and technologies.
  • Take risks: Don’t be afraid to take bold steps, especially when it comes to embracing transformation. Innovation often comes from stepping out of your comfort zone.
  • Stay curious and keep learning: The world of media is dynamic, so continuously seek out new knowledge and stay ahead by being a perpetual learner.
  • Build a strong network: Relationships are crucial in this industry. Collaboration often leads to the most innovative and effective solutions.
  • Be patient: You have time, don’t always be in a rush. Patience is key—something I remind myself of every day. Success is a journey, not a sprint.


Oliver's conference at Technology for Marketing

Tell us more about the panel you will be a part of, titled “What is Gen Alpha’s big ask of ecommerce?"

I'm excited to be part of this panel as it offers a unique opportunity to explore Gen Alpha, a generation that is transforming consumer behaviour. In today's digital-first world, understanding their evolving preferences is essential for business success. I’ll be discussing Gen Alpha’s expectations, the importance of technology in merging online and offline experiences, and how brands can use trend data to create personalised and engaging interactions that resonate with them.


Attend Oliver's panel! It's FREE for in-house marketing professionals, retailers, and B2B/B2C brands!



How does Gen Alpha's preference for in-store shopping over eCommerce reflect their overall expectations from brands?

Gen Alpha’s preference for in-store shopping reflects their desire for immersive, authentic experiences. They value sensory engagement, social interaction, and brand authenticity. This indicates a shift towards expecting more than just a product purchase – they seek memorable, meaningful experiences that align with their values. Essentially, Gen Alpha expects a seamless blend of digital and physical engagement, creating a holistic brand experience.

How can retailers balance the appeal of in-store experiences with the convenience of online shopping for this generation?

Retailers can strike a balance by offering a smooth omnichannel experience, leveraging technology to enhance both in-store and online touchpoints. For example, features like in-store collection for online orders, virtual try-ons, and personalised recommendations based on in-store activity can bridge the gap between the two. Interactive in-store experiences that complement online content can also help foster deeper engagement.

How can eCommerce platforms integrate 'real life' experiences into the online shopping journey to better cater to Gen Alpha's preferences?

ECommerce platforms can bring 'real life' experiences online through interactive features like augmented reality (AR) try-ons, virtual store tours, and live shopping events. Additionally, incorporating user-generated content, such as social media feeds and customer reviews, fosters a sense of community and authenticity. By blurring the lines between digital and physical worlds, platforms can deliver immersive, engaging experiences that resonate with Gen Alpha’s desire for real-world interactions.

Looking ahead, how do you think Gen Alpha's eCommerce preferences will shape the future of online retail, and what should marketers be preparing for now?

Gen Alpha's demand for immersive, personalised, and sustainable shopping experiences will significantly shape the future of online retail. We can expect a rise in social commerce and subscription-based models. To prepare, marketers need to deeply understand this audience, invest in innovative technologies, and build strong, value-driven relationships. By aligning with their values and expectations, brands can stay ahead in this evolving landscape.


Quick-fire questions

  • What is your favorite social media platform? I enjoy them all, but TikTok is the one I spend the most time on—its algorithm always draws me in.
  • The tool you use the most on your laptop? Teams—I’m constantly on calls or messaging someone. I can hardly remember what life was like before it.
  • Tell us about a marketing campaign (from any brand) that you liked recently. I loved the Pedigree campaign that won at Cannes Lions. It brilliantly fused AI, insights, and media.
  • How many unopened emails do you currently have in your inbox? Zero—I’m a bit of an inbox clean freak.
  • What is one of your proudest moments in your career? Seeing the success of my teams—that’s honestly why I do what I do.
  • What is something you’re still looking forward to achieving in your career? There are still a few places in the world where I haven’t bought media yet—I’m eager to cross those off my list.

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