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08 Dec 2023

Marketing measurement: The CMO effectiveness toolkit

Marketing measurement: The CMO effectiveness toolkit

In a dynamic market, CMOs face heightened challenges in justifying marketing budgets. Ian Gibbs, Director of Insight and Planning at the Data and Marketing Association (DMA), unveiled insights and strategies in his session, "Marketing measurement: The CMO effectiveness toolkit," during the Technology for Marketing event.

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Key Insights:

  • 🚀 Short-Termism Challenges: Gibbs delved into the challenges posed by a short-termist market dominated by price sensitivity and promotions. This environment, while driving immediate gains, can erode brand loyalty and hinder long-term growth.

  • 💡 Balancing Price and Branding: Emphasizing a strategic balance, Gibbs advocated combining price promotions with brand-building activities. This approach aims to create emotionally connected consumers who are less price-sensitive, fostering sustainable growth.

  • 📊 Complex Metrics Communication: The talk underscored CMOs' struggle to communicate marketing effectiveness in the boardroom due to metric complexity. Gibbs stressed the importance of focusing on metrics aligned with business outcomes for clearer communication.

  • 🎯 Measuring What Matters: Gibbs advised CMOs to measure what truly matters, encompassing business effects, brand effects, and response effects. This approach brings clarity and aligns marketing efforts with broader business goals.

  • 📈 Contextualizing Performance: Marketers were encouraged to benchmark their performance against industry standards. This contextualization provides valuable insights into relative effectiveness and identifies areas for improvement.

  • 🌐 Stimulating Future Demand: Gibbs highlighted the significance of stimulating future demand through brand building and nurturing creativity. This strategic approach serves as a guide for navigating challenges in the evolving marketing landscape.

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