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18 - 19 September 2024
ExCeL London

18 - 19 September 2024
ExCeL London

Content Hub

05 Sep 2024

Meet Our Exhibitors: Dotdigital's Frank Brooks

Meet Our Exhibitors: Dotdigital's Frank Brooks

As we get closer to the start of this year’s eCommerce Expo and Technology for Marketing, Frank Brooks, explains what’s exciting him most in ecommerce and marketing right now and the best advice he’d give to new professionals.


What industry trends are you looking forward to seeing at this year’s eCommerce Expo and Technology for Marketing?

I'm excited to dive into the ground breaking trends at this year's eCommerce Expo and Technology for Marketing. From the relentless advancements in AI revolutionising customer experiences to the bold strategies for managing unpredictable demand in eCommerce, there's no shortage of developments that have me eager to explore, learn, and adapt.


What are the biggest challenges facing eCommerce retailers heading into Q4 and peak season?

Brace yourselves, eCommerce retailers. As the Q4 and peak season roller coaster takes off, you'll face steep challenges like fighting for attention in a sea of competitors and amplifying your brand value. But that's not all; you'll also need to turn your customers into raving advocates for your business, creating a ripple effect of growth. It's an intense ride, full of highs and lows, but the rewards are unparalleled for those who embrace the adventure and rise to the occasion.


What is most exciting to you about the eCommerce and digital marketing industry right now?

I think the most exhilarating aspect of the eCommerce and digital marketing industry right now is the explosive convergence of hyper-personalization and AI-driven real-time analytics. These powerful forces are blurring the lines between online and offline experiences, revolutionary technologies, and the increasing importance of ethical and sustainable practices. In this brave new world, delivering unforgettable customer experiences that earn loyalty is within our grasp, making the future of our industry shine brighter than ever before.


Why is it important to bring the industry together at events like eCommerce Expo and Technology for Marketing?

Events like eCommerce Expo and Technology for Marketing are the epic industry get-togethers where brilliant minds coalesce, transformative ideas are shared, and awe-inspiring innovations come to life. These events are not only about networking but also about fostering a spirit of collaboration and unity. It's through these shared experiences that we elevate the industry as a whole and progress together, carving out a path that leads us all to success.


What’s the best piece of advice you would give to new people joining the industry?

To those who've recently joined our exciting industry: Immerse yourself in understanding your customers and sculpting the perfect customer journey. Dare to initiate honest conversations with customers to truly grasp their needs, expectations, and desires. By doing so, you'll craft a customer experience that's not only foundational to your success but also leaves your audience yearning for more, creating a virtuous cycle of loyalty, satisfaction, and revenue generation.


Are you preparing anything special for the event?

Conference: How to Turn Websites into Engagement Hubs

Discover the secrets to transforming your website from a passive browsing space into a dynamic engagement hub! Unlock the potential of immersive experiences, personalized content, and data-driven insights to captivate visitors, deepen connection, and drive conversions like never before

Date: 18th September

Stage: The Future of CX

Time: 11:10


Meet the Dotdigital team on Stand G30:


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