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18 - 19 September 2024
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27 Aug 2024

Meet Our Exhibitors: Insights from WeDoCRM’s Vanessa Mallia

Meet Our Exhibitors: Insights from WeDoCRM’s Vanessa Mallia

As the buzz and excitement for eCommerce Expo and Technology for Marketing grows, Vanessa Mallia​​​​, Head of Growth at specialist CRM agency WeDoCRM talks to us about the most exciting things taking place in eCommerce and marketing right now and the best advice she’d give to newcomers in the industry.


What industry trends are you looking forward to seeing at this year’s eCommerce Expo and Technology for Marketing?

I’m excited to see how AI and machine learning are integrated into Marketing, CRM and Technology platforms to deliver more personalised customer experiences. The rise of omnichannel strategies and the focus on customer data is vital for business strategies.

I’m particularly interested in solutions that offer real-time insights and predictive analytics, which can empower businesses to predict customer needs and improve engagement.


What are the biggest challenges facing eCommerce retailers heading into Q4 and peak season?

The biggest challenges for eCommerce retailers in Q4, centre around effectively leveraging CRM and marketing technology to enhance customer engagement. With increased competition over the festive period, delivering personalised, omnichannel experiences that resonate with customers is crucial. Managing customer data to create targeted campaigns while maintaining data privacy is a significant challenge.

Additionally, retailers must optimise their marketing strategies to combat rising customer acquisition costs and to stand out during the peak season. Ensuring seamless integration between CRM systems and marketing tools is vital for tracking customer interactions, improving retention, and maximising ROI during the busiest time of the year.


What is most exciting to you about the eCommerce and digital marketing industry right now?

The most exciting aspect of the eCommerce and digital marketing industry right now is the rapid evolution of AI and automation. These technologies are transforming how businesses understand and engage with customers, enabling hyper-personalised experiences at scale. The ability to harness vast amounts of data for real-time insights and predictive analytics is revolutionising customer relationship management.

Additionally, the shift towards omnichannel strategies, where online and offline experiences seamlessly integrate, is opening new avenues for customer interaction. This shift is driving innovation and creating endless opportunities for businesses to connect with their audiences in more meaningful ways.


Why is it important to bring the industry together at events like eCommerce Expo and Technology for Marketing?

Bringing the industry together at events like eCommerce Expo and Technology for Marketing is crucial for nurturing collaboration and innovation. These events provide a unique opportunity for professionals to exchange ideas, share insights, and discover the latest trends and technologies shaping the future of eCommerce and digital marketing.

In a rapidly evolving industry, staying ahead requires continuous learning and development and these events create a platform for that. They also allow businesses to build valuable partnerships, network, and gain inspiration from thought leaders, ultimately driving growth and pushing the industry forward.


What’s the best piece of advice you would give to new people joining the industry?

The best advice for newcomers to the industry is to stay curious and be adaptable. The eCommerce and digital marketing industry is constantly evolving, so it's essential to keep learning and embracing change.

Focus on understanding your customers and leveraging data to drive your decisions. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new technologies and strategies, innovation often comes from taking risks.

Building a strong network is also key; connect with industry peers, attend events, and seek mentorship to grow your skills and insights. But most importantly, stay customer-focused, success in this industry is all about delivering value to your audience.


Are you preparing anything special for the event?

Don't forget to get your ticket to attend Technology for Marketing. It's FREE for in-house marketing professionals, retailers, and B2B/B2C brands: 



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