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23 Feb 2024

SurveyMonkey's Benjamin Honorato, on building lasting relationships with CX

SurveyMonkey's Benjamin Honorato, on building lasting relationships with CX

Meet Benjamin Honorato, SurveyMonkey's Senior Solutions Engineer, sharing his journey from technical roles to CX in the tech industry, and SurveyMonkey's impactful role in improving customer experience.

Tell us about your career so far and the essential turning points that got you where you are today.

With over 13 years of experience in the tech industry, I've held roles spanning from pre-sales to post-sales across diverse sectors such as broadcast, meteorology, and telecommunications. Originally from Santiago, Chile, I relocated to Europe in 2016. After living in Berlin for a couple of years, I settled in Amsterdam, where I’m currently part of SurveyMonkey as a Senior Solutions Engineer, helping customers from all over EMEA to improve their businesses through CX (customer experience). 

In the early stages of my career, I leaned towards technical roles, but my passion for communication and direct customer engagement soon became evident while still in Chile. This prompted me to transition into commercial roles. Now, as a Solutions Engineer, I'm fortunate to combine both my technical expertise and communication skills in a role that demands a balance of both.

Moving abroad also represented a pivotal moment in my career journey, offering me the chance to expand my horizons and engage with cultures different from my own. This experience has granted me a global mindset, which has been instrumental in helping me understand the different trends, behaviours, and cultural complexities across the different markets where I've conducted business.

Looking back at your career, what advice would you give your 20-years-old self? 

When I was 22 years old and changed jobs for the first time, after handing in my resignation, my boss told me, "You're climbing the mountain too fast, so you'll fall hard soon." This remark affected me deeply and fueled doubts about my choices, leading me to believe I was making a huge mistake in those early days of my career. In the end, the decision to change jobs ended up paying off completely! Reflecting on it, I'd advise my younger self to keep believing in yourself, embrace taking risks no matter what others say, and never let anyone bring your confidence down.

Your conference at Technology for Marketing

“Take your CX to the next level: How to improve customer satisfaction across all channels”

Full Session Here

Could you explain the vital role of customer experience (CX) in modern businesses, particularly in response to evolving customer expectations?

Customer experience (CX) is paramount in today’s business landscape, especially as customer expectations are constantly evolving. Nowadays, customers expect smooth and consistent interactions at every touchpoint, personalised experiences, and fast issue resolution. Prioritising CX is vital for businesses to stay competitive and build lasting relationships with customers, as it directly affects satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, a business's success.

How is SurveyMonkey contributing to improving customer experience?

At SurveyMonkey, we know that customer experience is the heart of every business. By helping organisations gather and act on customer feedback, we empower them to understand and meet their consumers’ expectations. By leveraging SurveyMonkey’s AI-guided survey creation and multichannel feedback collection, businesses can ask their customers about their experiences and collect valuable insights to improve products, services, and overall CX, ultimately driving growth and competitiveness in the market.

What are some best practices or strategies that businesses can employ to effectively translate survey data into tangible actions?

Objectives must be clearly defined before designing any CX program. It is also crucial for businesses to listen to their customers wherever they are, across all channels and touchpoints. Following data collection, a thorough analysis is necessary to identify patterns and trends, enabling the creation of action plans with specific steps and timelines. It’s not enough to just gather data—you have to act on it. Regular monitoring and evaluation of the implemented actions are also essential to ensure continuous improvement.

How can businesses effectively leverage SurveyMonkey's capabilities in survey creation, feedback collection, and actionable insights to enhance customer satisfaction?

I always tell my customers, "There is an art to asking questions." This means using a good combination of closed-ended and open-ended questions to gather meaningful insights. At SurveyMonkey, we make this easier for users at any level of expertise by offering resources such as professional templates, question and answer prediction, and leveraging AI and machine learning. Our platform is incredibly intuitive and user-friendly, enabling fast setup of CX programs in just a few minutes. We also facilitate quick action on received feedback by sending instant notifications for negative ratings, or by smoothly integrating insights into existing systems. This allows users to work with the collected data in their preferred environment.


Quick-fire questions 

What is your favourite social media platform, and why?

Reddit, because you can engage in numerous discussions and it has a geeky vibe that I love.

The tool you use the most on your laptop?

I’d say SurveyMonkey… (just kidding!). It must be Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Audition. 

Is there any marketing campaign (from any brand) that you liked recently?

The latest Adidas campaign, "You got this." They took over tram stops in Amsterdam, decking them out with basketball hoops and all.

How many unopened emails do you currently have in your inbox?

None! I have a bit of OCD when it comes to the red "unread" badge.

What is one of your proudest moments in your career?

Seriously, being asked to speak at Technology for Marketing in London last year. It was my first time speaking publicly, a huge personal and professional challenge!

What is something you’re still looking forward to achieving in your career?

I would love to explore the Product Manager role to make an even bigger impact on customers.

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