Bahareh Amirloo
Lead Pharmacist for Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products,
Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital (RMCH)
I am a clinical pharmacist with experience of working within the hospital, community and academic sectors. I received an MPharm degree from the University of Manchester in 2016 and was awarded with a PhD in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology from the same university in 2021. My research focused on the development of novel oligonucleotide-based therapeutics for cancer, the results of which was published in numerous high-impact factor scientific journals. Presently, I work at the Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust as the lead for Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATIMPs). As the ATMP pharmacist, I lead on the implementation of ATMPs across the Trust, including licensed, unlicensed and investigational ex vivo and in vivo gene therapies, somatic cell therapies and tissue engineering products. As a member of the Specialist Pharmacy Services (SPS) Pan-UK ATMP Pharmacy Working Group, I provide expert specialist pharmaceutical advice nationally and contribute to the publication of national guidelines.