Co-located with eCommerce Expo

18 - 19 September 2024
ExCeL London

18 - 19 September 2024
ExCeL London


Mathew Garrod

Mathew Garrod

Lead Pharmacist for Neurosciences, Specialist Pharmacist in Migraine, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
Mathew has been working in a pharmacy setting for over 17 years. He is currently the Lead Pharmacist for Neurosciences, and the Migraine Specialist Pharmacist, at University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust. Part of his role involves leading a team of pharmacists dedicated to providing pharmacy services to a range of neurosciences patients at their tertiary referral centre. He also works as part of the headache team, helping to manage patients with a variety of different headache conditions. Currently, he runs his own clinics for patients prescribed anti-CGRP and Gepant therapies as migraine prophylactic agents.

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